Azure IoT Device Workbench

Install ardunino

In vscode:

  1. Add the extension Azure IoT Device Workbench
  2. Open File > Preference > Settings and add following lines to configure Arduino.
  3. type Ardunino and open the seetings.json file search for ardunio
  4. add or ensure the following setting are in place
    "arduino.path": "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Arduino",
    "arduino.additionalUrls": ""
  1. Use F1 or Ctrl+Shift+P (macOS: Cmd+Shift+P) to open the command palette, type and select Arduino: Board Manager. Search for esp32 and install the latest version.

Build project

Use F1 or Ctrl+Shift+P (macOS: Cmd+Shift+P) to open the command palette, type Azure IoT Device Workbench, and then select Open Examples.

Select ESP32 Arduino

Leave this here for know project to follow ...


esp32 dev kit ( ( ( (