
Dev tools

see ( mae sure you are the v3 (15/10/2021) branch find pre packed links for extensions represent the current stable release.

Chrome extension Firefox extension Standalone app (Safari, React Native, etc)

Page with react components will show the react logo un-greyed (weird molecule thing).

Install Node

Check for installation node -v if missing [goto node.js website] ( and install node and npm the node package manager.

Starting a project

The key commands are:

npm init -y

npm install package-name

npm remove package-name

Alternatively use yarn

Install yarn globally

npm install -g yarn

Is there no yarn init package ?
To install  and remove package

yarn add package-name

yarn remove package-name

finally to run yor project

npm run start

git and git hub tasks

  • Create a new repository on GitHub.

Open your terminal.

  • Initialize the local directory as a Git repository:


  • Add the files to your new local repository:

git add .

  • Commit the files that you’ve staged in your local repository:

git commit -m "initial commit"

  • Copy the HTTPS URL of your newly created repo

*In the Command prompt, add the URL for the remote repository where your local repository will be pushed.

git remote add origin remote repository URL

  • then remote -v

git remote -v

  • Push the changes in your local repository to GitHub using the following command :

git push -f origin master

git deployment to github pages

npm install gh-pages — save-dev

After that, go to your package.json file in your root directory

add the homepage property at the top level.

"homepage": "",

add those two lines in the scripts property:

"predeploy": "npm run build", "deploy": "gh-pages -d build"

To deploy project

npm run deploy

Core javascript needed for react

const and variables

const pizza = true;  # cant be overrwritten
var pizza2 = true;
pizza2 = false;  # ehere as variables can

##  Lexical variable scope

What is lexical scope

var and let are used to set variables.  (In old javascript only var )

var topic = "JavaScript";

if (topic) {
  let topic = "React";
  console.log("block", topic); // React

console.log("global", topic); // JavaScript
with let the value of topic is not reset outside of the block. this is not the case if var is substituted for the above code. var  from  inside the curly braket will reset the global value of topic
This is the same for  loop counters
with for loops

## concatenation

Traditional string concatenation uses plus signs to compose a string using variable values and strings:
console.log(lastName + ", " + firstName + " " + middleName);
With a template, we can create one string and insert the variable values by surrounding them with ${ }:
console.log(`${lastName}, ${firstName} ${middleName}`);
Templates are better because the honour white space

### Function Declarations

 ** Declare
function logC() {
** Invoke

### Function Expressions
 This just involves creating the function as a variable:

const logC = function() {


Function declarations are hoisted and function expressions are not.

**What does hoisting mean ?**
Hoisting is JavaScript's default behaviour of moving declarations to the top whether they are variables or function expressions.
You can invoke a function before you write a function declaration. You cannot invoke a function created by a function expression.

### Arrow functions in javascript

## resources
