Building a mongodb csv import App

Steps involved:

  1. Setup your Nodejs application.
  2. Create Dockerfile’s for each service.
  3. Define services using the Compose file.
  4. Run docker-compose to build the application.

Docker and Dockerfile

Key concepts Docker image is a template that is used to create a docker container. Docker container is a instance of docker image containing all the components needed to run.

  • docker files may be in project root or other directory. Typically they are named 'dockerfile'.
  • Comments may start with # at a line start only
# FROM Creates layers of dependencies like we could build an OS layer.
FROM alpine:latest
# RUN allows us to install linux packages.
RUN apk add — no-cache nodejs npm
# COPY adds files from Docker client’s current directory.
COPY . /app
COPY package.json /app
# RUN allows us to install your application and packages required for it.
RUN npm install
COPY . /app
# CMD specifies a list of command to run within a Container.
CMD ["node", "app.js"]

mongo in db

Node in docker

  1. Create App directory
  2. create docker file Basic docker App using dockerfile

Microservices connect

Create an Express App

Install App dependencies

Create App models

Create connection nodejs app to mongodb


Node login App Docker mongodb Nodejs Comments in dockerfile